Prensa de Hoy. Canada
Prensa de
Sábado, 27 de Julio de 2024 Año XV «La mejor parte de la belleza es aquella que una imagen no puede expresar.»
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Noticias de Nunavut
Noticias de Canada con Google Noticias

Canada must stop using Nunavut?s fisheries to solve crises in Atlantic Canada - Policy Options
Canada must stop using Nunavut?s fisheries to solve crises in Atlantic Canada  Policy Options

People in Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, can return to community after gasoline spill led to evacuation -
People in Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, can return to community after gasoline spill led to evacuation

Fuel spill sparks evacuation worries for Nunavut community - CTV News
Fuel spill sparks evacuation worries for Nunavut community  CTV News

City support pushes Iqaluit to be Nunavut?s most active community - Nunatsiaq News
City support pushes Iqaluit to be Nunavut?s most active community  Nunatsiaq News

Official visit to Nunavut - Gouverneure g?n?rale du Canada
Official visit to Nunavut  Gouverneure g?n?rale du Canada

Canada Post cracks down on Nunavut loophole to get free Amazon shipping - Global News Toronto
Canada Post cracks down on Nunavut loophole to get free Amazon shipping  Global News Toronto

Canada Signs Over Control of Arctic Lands to Inuit Territory - Voice of America - VOA News
Canada Signs Over Control of Arctic Lands to Inuit Territory  Voice of America - VOA News

Canada?s top doc to visit Nunavut - APTN News
Canada?s top doc to visit Nunavut  APTN News

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada announces a judicial appointment in Nunavut -
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada announces a judicial appointment in Nunavut

NTI launches health survey in Nunavut - Nunatsiaq News
NTI launches health survey in Nunavut  Nunatsiaq News

Canada and Nunavut sign devolution agreement, here?s what it means - APTN News
Canada and Nunavut sign devolution agreement, here?s what it means  APTN News

Nunavut tourism industry starting to rebound after COVID-19 pandemic shut it down -
Nunavut tourism industry starting to rebound after COVID-19 pandemic shut it down

Nunavut rolls out Canada Day parades, barbecues and games - Nunatsiaq News
Nunavut rolls out Canada Day parades, barbecues and games  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut judge made 'no error of law' in murder acquittal, Supreme Court of Canada says -
Nunavut judge made 'no error of law' in murder acquittal, Supreme Court of Canada says

Nunavut premier should be careful about going along with the crowd - Nunatsiaq News
Nunavut premier should be careful about going along with the crowd  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut prosecutors form new team dedicated to tackling sexual violence cases -
Nunavut prosecutors form new team dedicated to tackling sexual violence cases

Nunavut at 25: Then vs
Now - Nunatsiaq News
Nunavut at 25: Then vs
  Nunatsiaq News

The Breakdown | Nunavut grows up + Canada and NATO -
The Breakdown | Nunavut grows up + Canada and NATO

'It's high time': Nunavut officially takes over land, resource responsibilities from feds -
'It's high time': Nunavut officially takes over land, resource responsibilities from feds

?Father of Nunavut? receives Order of Canada medal - Nunatsiaq News
?Father of Nunavut? receives Order of Canada medal  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut, Newfoundland and Labrador: Marking milestones - Statistique Canada
Nunavut, Newfoundland and Labrador: Marking milestones  Statistique Canada

Trudeau visits Nunavut for largest land transfer in Canadian history - Global News Toronto
Trudeau visits Nunavut for largest land transfer in Canadian history  Global News Toronto

Canada Post closes loophole for Nunavummiut to access free Amazon shipping -
Canada Post closes loophole for Nunavummiut to access free Amazon shipping

Growing up alongside a territory: Youth reflect on 25 years of Nunavut -
Growing up alongside a territory: Youth reflect on 25 years of Nunavut

Nunavut communities say CRTC money for fibre internet is good news, but question how it will work -
Nunavut communities say CRTC money for fibre internet is good news, but question how it will work

Kayakers charged with breaking Parks Canada, wildlife laws in Nunavut - Nunatsiaq News
Kayakers charged with breaking Parks Canada, wildlife laws in Nunavut  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut to take control of Crown land within territory following devolution agreement with Canada - Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Nunavut to take control of Crown land within territory following devolution agreement with Canada  Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Nunavut just signed a devolution deal
Here's how it worked in the Yukon and N.W.T
Nunavut just signed a devolution deal
Here's how it worked in the Yukon and N.W.T.

?Historic moment?: Nunavut signs devolution agreement with Canada - Nunatsiaq News
?Historic moment?: Nunavut signs devolution agreement with Canada  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut lawyers say more judges are going beyond proposed sentences -
Nunavut lawyers say more judges are going beyond proposed sentences

Iqaluit, Nunavut affiliation extends IAFF?s reach in Canada - IAFF
Iqaluit, Nunavut affiliation extends IAFF?s reach in Canada  IAFF

Applying for Health Care - Government of Nunavut |
Applying for Health Care  Government of Nunavut |

Court quashes federal decision to allocate fishing licences in Nunavut to non-Inuit -
Court quashes federal decision to allocate fishing licences in Nunavut to non-Inuit

Nunavut man reported missing in Winnipeg found dead -
Nunavut man reported missing in Winnipeg found dead

Defence spending in the North could be 'generational opportunity': Nunavut premier - CTV News
Defence spending in the North could be 'generational opportunity': Nunavut premier  CTV News

At 25, Nunavut is maturing into what it?s supposed to be - Nunatsiaq News
At 25, Nunavut is maturing into what it?s supposed to be  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut privacy commissioner concerned over Canada Post changes in Iqaluit -
Nunavut privacy commissioner concerned over Canada Post changes in Iqaluit

Trudeau says Nunavut trips with father ?helped shape his love for Canada? - Global News Toronto
Trudeau says Nunavut trips with father ?helped shape his love for Canada?  Global News Toronto

Nunavut, Ottawa reach ?interim? deal on non-insured health benefits - Nunatsiaq News
Nunavut, Ottawa reach ?interim? deal on non-insured health benefits  Nunatsiaq News

Petition calls on Amazon to reduce shipping costs to remote communities - Nunatsiaq News
Petition calls on Amazon to reduce shipping costs to remote communities  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut elder hopes Ahiarmiut artifacts can return to Canada - Nunatsiaq News
Nunavut elder hopes Ahiarmiut artifacts can return to Canada  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut's 1st long-term continuous care home expected to open in late fall or early winter -
Nunavut's 1st long-term continuous care home expected to open in late fall or early winter

What Nunavut, Nunavik can expect from solar eclipse - Nunatsiaq News
What Nunavut, Nunavik can expect from solar eclipse  Nunatsiaq News

Service Canada sets up task team to help Nunavut AWG athletes with passports -
Service Canada sets up task team to help Nunavut AWG athletes with passports

Government of Canada, Government of Nunavut, and Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated reach final agreement on the devolution of Nunavut - Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
Government of Canada, Government of Nunavut, and Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated reach final agreement on the devolution of Nunavut  Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Governor General of Canada to make first official visit to Nunavut ? Eye on the Arctic - Eye on the Arctic
Governor General of Canada to make first official visit to Nunavut ? Eye on the Arctic  Eye on the Arctic

Nunavut gains control of its resources and royalties - Canadian Mining Journal
Nunavut gains control of its resources and royalties  Canadian Mining Journal

Canada gives mineral-rich Arctic region of Nunavut control over its resources -
Canada gives mineral-rich Arctic region of Nunavut control over its resources

From grassroots in Nunavut to the circumpolar world: Alianait Arts Festival returns to Iqaluit -
From grassroots in Nunavut to the circumpolar world: Alianait Arts Festival returns to Iqaluit

September: B2Gold arrives in Nunavut: Canada?s newest mining friendly territory - Canadian Mining Journal
September: B2Gold arrives in Nunavut: Canada?s newest mining friendly territory  Canadian Mining Journal

Nunavut sees more tourists taking trips past the treeline -
Nunavut sees more tourists taking trips past the treeline

Nunavut became a territory 25 years ago
Here are 5 fun facts | story | Kids News -
Nunavut became a territory 25 years ago
Here are 5 fun facts | story | Kids News

Trudeau in Nunavut to sign long-awaited devolution agreement -
Trudeau in Nunavut to sign long-awaited devolution agreement

Canada Post cracks down on Nunavut loophole to get free Amazon Prime shipping - Hamilton Spectator
Canada Post cracks down on Nunavut loophole to get free Amazon Prime shipping  Hamilton Spectator

Nunavut signs interim deal on non-insured health benefits with Ottawa -
Nunavut signs interim deal on non-insured health benefits with Ottawa

Johannes Rivoire, priest accused of sexually abusing children in Nunavut, dies -
Johannes Rivoire, priest accused of sexually abusing children in Nunavut, dies

'Failure of government': Nunavut elder care needs to be brought home, federal minister says -
'Failure of government': Nunavut elder care needs to be brought home, federal minister says

'We didn't want it to feel like a political event': Nunavut's devolution ceremony was a celebration -
'We didn't want it to feel like a political event': Nunavut's devolution ceremony was a celebration

Nunavut Brier team hopes to build on last year?s first-ever win - Nunatsiaq News
Nunavut Brier team hopes to build on last year?s first-ever win  Nunatsiaq News

Supreme Court of Canada agrees Nunavut man should be acquitted of murder -
Supreme Court of Canada agrees Nunavut man should be acquitted of murder

Nunavut family wants apology after 7-year-old boy kicked off Canadian North flight -
Nunavut family wants apology after 7-year-old boy kicked off Canadian North flight

Environmental change in the Kitikmeot Region of western Nunavut and Ulukhaktok region of eastern Northwest Territories -
Environmental change in the Kitikmeot Region of western Nunavut and Ulukhaktok region of eastern Northwest Territories

Trudeau and Nunavut Premier sign ?historic? land transfer, largest in Canadian history - Global News Toronto
Trudeau and Nunavut Premier sign ?historic? land transfer, largest in Canadian history  Global News Toronto

Simon kicks off Nunavut visit with stop in Iqaluit - Nunatsiaq News
Simon kicks off Nunavut visit with stop in Iqaluit  Nunatsiaq News

Dozens of Nunavut athletes in passport limbo as Arctic Winter Games approach -
Dozens of Nunavut athletes in passport limbo as Arctic Winter Games approach

Minister Vandal announces federal funding towards Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link to advance clean energy transition and broadband service delivery to the Kivalliq region of Nunavut -
Minister Vandal announces federal funding towards Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link to advance clean energy transition and broadband service delivery to the Kivalliq region of Nunavut

Canada Post closes loophole for free Amazon shipping in Nunavut - MobileSyrup
Canada Post closes loophole for free Amazon shipping in Nunavut  MobileSyrup

?When am I coming home??: Vulnerable Nunavut kids face loneliness, despair as millions spent sending them south - Global News Toronto
?When am I coming home??: Vulnerable Nunavut kids face loneliness, despair as millions spent sending them south  Global News Toronto

Minimum wage rates and overtime rules in Canada - Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Minimum wage rates and overtime rules in Canada  Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Nunavut RCMP charge man with attempted murder, say he shot at police officers -
Nunavut RCMP charge man with attempted murder, say he shot at police officers

Nunavut organization calls for more country food and more money to support school food program -
Nunavut organization calls for more country food and more money to support school food program

Privacy commissioner wants Nunavut government to be more proactive about changes to mail system -
Privacy commissioner wants Nunavut government to be more proactive about changes to mail system

Nunavut?s first senator and first Inuk opera singer named to the Order of Canada - Nunatsiaq News
Nunavut?s first senator and first Inuk opera singer named to the Order of Canada  Nunatsiaq News

CRTC announces $272M conditional funding for fibre link to 4 Nunavut communities -
CRTC announces $272M conditional funding for fibre link to 4 Nunavut communities

Nunavut government says search has ended for 1 person near Cambridge Bay, but community still looking -
Nunavut government says search has ended for 1 person near Cambridge Bay, but community still looking

Telecommunications restored across the N.W.T., Yukon, and Nunavut -
Telecommunications restored across the N.W.T., Yukon, and Nunavut

Space time facetime: Nunavut students hear from Canadian astronaut - Nunatsiaq News
Space time facetime: Nunavut students hear from Canadian astronaut  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut Quest wins major award for reviving once-threatened tradition -
Nunavut Quest wins major award for reviving once-threatened tradition

Nunavut sets up mobile tuberculosis clinic in Naujaat as outbreak grows -
Nunavut sets up mobile tuberculosis clinic in Naujaat as outbreak grows

Priest facing sexual assault charge in Nunavut will not be dismissed from Oblates -
Priest facing sexual assault charge in Nunavut will not be dismissed from Oblates

Nunavut women's association releases poverty report, but advocates want to see action -
Nunavut women's association releases poverty report, but advocates want to see action

Birth Certificate - Government of Nunavut |
Birth Certificate  Government of Nunavut |

MLAs put Nunavut Arctic College under the microscope -
MLAs put Nunavut Arctic College under the microscope

Canada and Nunavut invest $194M in critical infrastructure and transit projects across the territory - ReNew Canada
Canada and Nunavut invest $194M in critical infrastructure and transit projects across the territory  ReNew Canada

Canada Makes Its Largest Land Transfer in History, Returning Mineral-Rich Arctic Region to the People of Nunavut - EcoWatch
Canada Makes Its Largest Land Transfer in History, Returning Mineral-Rich Arctic Region to the People of Nunavut  EcoWatch

50 remote Government of Nunavut employees could lose jobs by September -
50 remote Government of Nunavut employees could lose jobs by September

Opinion: Housing in Nunavut is essential to Canada?s Arctic sovereignty - The Globe and Mail
Opinion: Housing in Nunavut is essential to Canada?s Arctic sovereignty  The Globe and Mail

'Very good at everything': Nunavut residents remember pilot Natalie Gillis -
'Very good at everything': Nunavut residents remember pilot Natalie Gillis

Senator Patterson, who helped create Nunavut, retires after a career of northern advocacy - Senate of Canada
Senator Patterson, who helped create Nunavut, retires after a career of northern advocacy  Senate of Canada

With dementia rates projected to rise, northerners call for better elder care in Nunavut - Nunatsiaq News
With dementia rates projected to rise, northerners call for better elder care in Nunavut  Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut government wants to open a protected area in the High Arctic to tourism -
Nunavut government wants to open a protected area in the High Arctic to tourism

Retired Quebec judge says he believes sexual abuse allegations against former Nunavut priest -
Retired Quebec judge says he believes sexual abuse allegations against former Nunavut priest

Brian Mulroney, PM who signed Nunavut Agreement, dies at age 84 - Nunatsiaq News
Brian Mulroney, PM who signed Nunavut Agreement, dies at age 84  Nunatsiaq News

New judge appointed to Nunavut Court of Justice - Nunatsiaq News
New judge appointed to Nunavut Court of Justice  Nunatsiaq News

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